The Association shall be called the Silvery Sands Residents Association (S.S.R.A.)
2. Aims
The principle aim of the Association shall be to maintain the following roads in a condition acceptable to the S.S.R.A. :-
Wheatsheaf Lane, 80 to 110
Riverside Close
Thames Side, 67 to 97
The Association will also monitor any proposals made by the Environment Agency aimed at alleviating flood risk from the River Thames. The Association will make representations to the Environment Agency or any other relevant party on this issue where the committee considers it is appropriate for the Association to speak collectively for the neighbourhood.
3. Membership
Membership of the S.S.R.A. shall be by payment of an annual subscription fee. Membership shall be open to all households living in the properties with access to the roads named in 2 above.
4. Meetings
The committee shall call an Annual General Meeting every year to elect a new committee for the following year. In addition any eight households may call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time provided twenty-eight days notice to all members is given. At General Meetings each household shall have one vote.
5. The Committee
The committee shall be elected from paid-up members of the S.S.R.A. annually and serve for one year. The committee shall consist of a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and other members as the Annual General Meeting wish to elect. The committee may co-opt additional members as required but the number of co-opted members may not exceed one third of the elected committee. The committee shall meet as circumstances require and not less than twice each year. Quorum for committee Meetings shall be three with one of the three either being the Chairman, the Treasurer or the Secretary.
6. Membership Fees
The Committee shall collect membership fees in accordance with a level set by members at the Annual General Meeting. Save for exceptional circumstances, e.g. storm damage, not more than 5% of the annual membership fee collected shall be expended on work not directly related to road maintenance.
7. Expenditure
No Association monies may be expended without Committee approval. All cheques drawn on the Association account(s) shall be signed by any two of the three designated signatories i.e. the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. The Committee shall be responsible for providing audited accounts at the end of each financial year and these shall be presented to the Association members at the Annual General Meeting.
8. Social Events
The committee is empowered to arrange social events in the name of the Association. All receipts from such social events shall be controlled by the Committee, held in an account separate from the Association road maintenance account(s) and may be used for any item of expenditure not directly associated with road repair. A simple balance sheet of profit and loss on social events shall be prepared by the organiser of social events and presented to the members at the Annual General Meeting.
9. Amendments
This constitution shall only be amended by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
This constitution was last updated and amended on the authority of the Annual General Meeting held 19th March 2003, and ratified at the Annual General Meeting held 22nd March 2004.
21 January 2021 - Thames Side spelling corrected - P Bergquist (webmaster)