Spelthorne Design Code Project
Spelthorne Borough Council has launched a project that is aimed at our residents contributing to the Design of our Town of Staines and our Borough of Spelthorne. This project is being run in conjunction with consultants David Lock Associates.
Resident interaction can be done in person or virtually depending on desire or mobility.
Thank means that you can get involved and/or have say on how you want your Town/Borough to look with the following:
- Building Development
- Green Space
- Amenity Space
- Leisure Space
- Hospitality Space
- And most importantly our River Side Frontage.
- Have you wondered about how and why the buildings, streets, parks, and gardens you see around you were designed and built?
- Do you ask yourself why homes, offices and shopping centres look the way they do?
- Have you got a favourite building?
- Do you want to find out more about architecture, urban design, and town planning?
- And do you want to help shape the future of the place where you live?
What is a Design Code?
A design code is a manual or handbook that contains drawings, plans and a set of rules that will influence the how all new buildings, streets, parks, gardens, and public spaces across the borough should be designed and built, or how existing buildings should be modified.
Spelthorne Borough Council has recently committed to prepare a design code for the whole borough, and it wants local people – the people that know and love the area best – to help it write this code. We want to put local people at the heart of the process. Over the next few months, the project team will be meeting with diverse groups across the area to find out what they think of Spelthorne today and what it could be like in the future.
Contact details:
The email address for the project is designcode@spelthorne.gov.uk and the weblink for commonplace is https://designspelthorne.commonplace.is/
Spelthorne looks forward to working with all our residents on this project.

Video of First Local Discussion
Please follow this link to watch a recording of a discussion with local representatives.