Spelthorne Design Code
Spelthorne Borough Council has launched a project that is aimed at our residents contributing to the Design of our Town of Staines and our Borough of Spelthorne. This project is being run in conjunction with consultants David Lock Associates.
Resident interaction can be done in person or virtually depending on desire or mobility.
Thank means that you can get involved and/or have say on how you want your Town/Borough to look with the following:
- Building Development
- Green Space
- Amenity Space
- Leisure Space
- Hospitality Space
- And most importantly our River Side Frontage
Want to know more?.....Click HERE
2024 Annual General Meeting
October 2023 Newsletter Published
Our latest Newsletter is now available. Click HERE to view it.
Introducing Monthly Direct Debit
Households now have the option to pay there fees by monthly direct debit. See here...
Annual General Meeting
Date: Thursday 23 March 2022
Start Time: 7.45 for 8.00pm START
Venue: St. Peter’s Church, Small Hall
To read the minutes from the recent AGM and other information see here...

Think WIDEN to prevent burglary
Nearly two-thirds (65%)* of us are worried about our home being broken into, yet there are simple, proven measures we can all take to halve our chances of being burgled.
We have joined forces with our longstanding primary smart security partner, ERA Home Security, to bring you our Think WIDE(N) burglary prevention campaign highlighting the simple, evidence-based WIDE measures which can be taken in any home on a variety of budgets.
At Neighbourhood Watch, we also believe neighbours keeping an eye out for each other is key to reducing burglary, so we've extended the WIDE acronym to WIDE(N):
W: WINDOWS: Keep your windows locked
I: INTERIOR: Put inside lights on a timer/smart bulb
D: DOORS: Double or deadlock your doors
E: EXTERIOR: Put outside lights on a sensor
(N): NEIGHBOURS: Keep an eye out for your neighbours
Leaving home? Use this free home security checklist to leave your home safe and secure.

13 September 2022 - Latest Newsletter
The latest newsletter from the Chairperson, David Musters, can be downloaded HERE

Summer Party - 25 June 2022
Saturday June 25th:- SSRA summer party on Silvery Sands
- Volunteers required please:-
- Coordinator -
- Ticket Sales -
- Raffle -
- Quiz -
- Food - Chippy
- Desert - Mr Whippy
- Drink - Thames Side Brewery & BYOB
- Music - DJ required for SONOS / Spotify.
- Grass Cutting - David Musters
- Volunteers required please:-
Ready to find out more?
Click the button to download the flyer...
Dates for the Diary
- Friday June 3rd:- Jubilee street party
o Organised by Emma 97 TS
o Whatsapp: Platinum Street Party
- ∙ Saturday June 11st 12:00:- Work Party
o Verge clearing Thames Side (90-97)
o Verge clearing Wheatsheaf Lane (80-110)
o Possible: Pothole filling on Thames Side (TBC)
- Saturday June 25th:- SSRA summer party on Silvery Sands
- Volunteers required please:-
- Coordinator -
- Ticket Sales -
- Raffle -
- Quiz -
- Food - Chippy
- Desert - Mr Whippy
- Drink - Thames Side Brewery & BYOB
- Music - DJ required for SONOS / Spotify.
- Grass Cutting - David Musters
- Volunteers required please:-
- Saturday July 23rd Staines Amateur Regatta
- Christmas Party at the Wheatsheaf and Pigeon. TBA.
- Co-ordinator required.
Annual General Meeting
Date: Thursday 24 March 2022
Start Time: 8.15pm to 9.30pm
Venue: St. Peter’s Church, Small Hall
To read the minutes from the recent AGM and other information see here...
UK Power Networks: Our preparation for Storms Dudley and Eunice
From: UK Power Networks:
I am writing regarding our preparations for Storms Dudley and Eunice, which will arrive consecutively in the UK from tomorrow (Wednesday 16th February).
As you may be aware, UK Power Networks manages the local power lines and substations which distribute electricity to over 8.3m homes and businesses across London, the South East and the East of England.
Storm Dudley will arrive tomorrow and is forecast to have a minimal impact on our network. However, Storm Eunice is expected to arrive on Friday 18th and is expected to bring stronger winds and unsettled weather.
Our electricity network is built to be resilient but strong winds and heavy rain can bring down branches and trees, damaging overhead power lines. Where this happens we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.
We have organised for additional staff in our contact centre and more engineers on the ground, particularly for Storm Eunice, to be available to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather.
Both you and your residents will be able to find regular updates and information about individual power cuts on our website www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk . We will also be posting general updates on @UKPowerNetworks .
Anyone experiencing a power cut should:
- Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/powercut and type in their postcode to view our live power cut map, with details of individual power cuts.
- Call 105 free of charge to speak to our customer service team, report a power cut or damage to the electricity network.
- Tweet @UKPowerNetworks to report a power cut or to receive updates
- Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk for the latest updates
We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.
We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut. Households with older or disabled people, those with children under five, or where someone uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity as well as other reasons can join the register. You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website: ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority .
If you would like to share information with your constituents about preparing for the storm or registering for the Priority Service Register, you might like to share the following on Twitter or to your local Facebook pages:
As a result of #StormEunice, heavy rain and high winds are due to arrive on Fri 18th Feb. @UKPowerNetworks has extra field engineers and call centre staff on hand to support any customers affected. Call 105 to report a power cut or visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/powercut #ukpnnews
Do you, or someone you know, need extra support during a power cut? @UKPowerNetworks provides free services to customers in vulnerable circumstances during a power cut. Visit ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority for more information. #StormEunice #ukpnnews”
Location: St Peters Church Hall
Date: Thursday 24th March @ 20.15 to 21.30hrs – of course depending on Covid status at the time
Dear Residents,
Following an SSRA Committee Meeting held in November, it was agreed that March 2022 would be an opportune time to hold our next AGM. Location and date are noted above. There was a delay in securing a meeting location due to Covid issues but we finally got a meeting room.
Some members of our Committee will be standing down in 2022, if any, fully paid up residents are interested in putting their names forward for nomination at our AGM, please can you submit your name and the position you would like to stand for. The positions available are listed below. Should there be more than one name for a position, there will be a vote on the night.
Please send any Nominations by 28 February 2022 to email: info@silverysands.org.
The following Committee members are standing down and so nominations are required
Chairperson - Michele Gibson - 79 Thames Side
Secretary - Rani Gill - 81 Thames Side
Treasurer - Merrill April - 90 Thames Side
Neighbourhood Watch - Haydn Tanner - 70 Thames Side
All the people in the following positions currently wish to remain on the Committee and will be voted upon if other nominations come forward.
Bob Douglas- 96 Thames Side - Committee member
Andy Duncan - 28 Riverside Close- Committee member
Philip Bergquist - 9 Riverside Close - Webmaster/Communications
- Welcome and Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the last AGM held on 24th January 2019 to be reviewed and accepted
- Matters arising: To be considered
- Chairman’s report – Roads; Flood info; Vegetation clearing work group, Christmas Party 2021. Summer Party for the Summer of 2022 tba.
- Treasurer's Report – to report on income and expenditure over the last two years. To outline any proposed work and expenditure for the forthcoming year and obtain approval from the members for this. Consideration of Subs going forward.
- Association members – status and elect the committee for 2022. Handover to be arranged by the incoming and outgoing members at a mutually agreed time and date after AGM.
4 Feb 2021 - Local Incident
The Police reference number is above.
Had a bit of a scare last night.
I was walking Freddie and have been avoiding the tow path for some weeks. It was about 17.30 I walked down Penton Avenue and turned left into River Road. Not many people around then. On the pavement there was a pile of what looked like clothing/sleeping bags so we walked in the middle of the road. Some Garages are set back on the left. A Young Man jumped out and said Hello Love which really frightened me there was another Guy hiding in the corner who looked as if he was using. The guy talking was a Northerner tall dark hair and started walking towards Freddie he said Let me stroke your German Miniature Schnauzer the other guy in the corner was laughing. I was really scared. I hurried off as fast as I could. They called something but I didn’t turn round. I was so frightened. Thankfully when I turned into Avondale I met a nice Lady and her Dog she could see I was upset and was so kind and walked with me I didn’t have much phone life however I telephoned Rob and he came up to get us.
I phoned the Police and will put it on the security website. Watch yourselves and your dogs if you are out on your own with them. Have a Good Day. Cx
Flooding update - Spelthorne 3 Feb 2021
- Spelthorne officers are monitoring along the river, advising residents not to walk / run / cycle along the tow path and speaking to homeowners that could be affected by risks of flooding
- A flood warning is still in place for Laleham Riverside https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/article/19997/Flood-Warning. However, the Environment Agency do not expect to issue any further flood warnings and consider the situation should start improving although levels will remain high for a few days. It is likely flood alerts will continue to be issued for flooding of low lying land.
- Working with the Environment Agency and Surrey County Council on monitoring the water levels in Staines Upon Thames and down to Laleham.
- Closed Lammas Park because of flood water
- Roads at risk have been identified and sandbags and hydrosacs (gel filled sandbags that come flat packed but swell in water thus acting like a sandbag) are ready to be deployed by the Neighbourhood Services team to properties that may flood.
- Vulnerable residents have also been identified by the community well-being team and if necessary welfare calls and checks will be carried out should the situation worsen.
Our communications will focus on:
- Messages to stay away from the riverbanks
- To be flood prepared
- Our website has updated information and advice - https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/article/16996/Flooding-advice Please sign post residents to this page.
- FAQs can be read here https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/article/17004/Flooding-FAQs
- Interactive maps are available on the Environment Agency's website where you can see if your home or business is at risk from flooding - although it is important to note these are indicative only and every flood is different, so you should always make sure you are adequately prepared.
Please can we advise that these are the key contact numbers to report flooding;
Need help? Please report flooding to the right agency:
- Threat to life – call 999
- Road flooding – Surrey CC Highways 0300 200 1003
- Sewers and foul water – Thames Water 0800 316 9800
- Main river watercourse – Environment Agency 0345 988 1188
Residents can also report minor flooding, highway flooding, blocked and broken drains etc here https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/people-and-community/emergency-planning-and-community-safety/flooding-advice/reporting-flooding-trees-and-power-cuts - they should be logged with them as they are the responsible agency
Other ways to stay informed;
- call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 for up-to-date information. We use the EA data and they have all the latest information and can co-ordinate with EA staff on the ground as well as provide general advice and support. We have been told they do not anticipate additional Warnings beyond Laleham
- check https://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/31618.aspx for up-to-date flood information from the Environment Agency, updated every 15 minutes
- monitor television news and weather channels
- We are also advising residents to sign up to the flood alerts service here: https://www.fws.environment-agency.gov.uk/app/olr/register
Please be reassured that our teams are ready to act and support our residents if and when required.
Spelthorne Borough Council,
Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1XB
Tel: 01784 446432
Mob: 07540 671249

TIER 4 - Coronavirus Information
With the rapidly changing information about how to stay safe and many other factors surrounding the pandemic here are some useful links.
December 2020
Dear Residents of SSRA,
Please see attached and below some Covid information that you might find useful.
You may have seen the news but Spelthorne, and the rest of Surrey and London, will be placed into Tier 2 once the national restrictions come to an end on 2 December.
The Council will be communicating the following messages through its channels, but I thought also ensure you get this message.
Until Wednesday 2 December, you must:
- stay at home, except for specific purposes.
- avoid meeting people you do not live with, except for specific purposes.
- certain businesses and venues must close.
After the restrictions come to an end, the new rules for Spelthorne will be:
- no mixing of households indoors, apart from support bubbles and a maximum of six outdoors
- bars and pubs must close, unless operating as restaurants. Alcohol can only be served with substantial meals. Last orders at 10pm and must be closed by 11pm
- retail can be open
- entertainment centres, e.g. cinemas, can be open
- personal care, e.g. hairdressers can be open
- we should reduce the number of journeys where possible and avoid travel to tier 3 areas
- overnight stays are permitted with a household or support bubble
- hotels can be open
- if we can work from home, we should do so
- schools, colleges, universities can remain open as well as registered childcare
- we can attend places of worship but cannot interact with anyone outside our household or support bubble
- 15 people can attend weddings, civil partnerships, wedding receptions and wakes; 30 for funerals
- classes and organised adult sport can take place outdoors, but not indoors if there is any interaction with people from different households Organised activities for elite athletes, under-18s and disabled people can continue.
- indoor leisure centres are open
Please note that Kent and Slough are in Tier 3. I have attached the full list for England.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me and I will try to get them answered.
Kind regards
Michele Gibson chairperson@silverysands.org

October 2020
NHW Coordinator
Haydn Tanner has taken on the role of coordinator for the residents of Silvery Sands. Any information or concerns about local crime can be sent to Haydn via the email:

25 June 2020
Burglary update
Please circulate to your members as soon as you can, asking them to be vigilant and report anything suspicious. Please keep an eye out for your elderly and vulnerable neighbours.
We have seen a recent spate of overnight burglaries within the Staines-upon-Thames and Laleham areas in the vicinity of the River Thames, which have included the theft of bank cards and vehicles from the driveways. Access is being gained through rear doors and windows with a search being made whilst householders are asleep, with wallets, bank cards, keys and vehicles taken.
Thames Side, Staines-upon-Thames
Overnight 13th/14th June 2020 – entry via rear door to steal bank cards, keys and Jaguar vehicle.
The Hythe, Staines-upon-Thames
Overnight 13th/14th June 2020 – damage to rear kitchen window in apparent attempt to gain entry.
Penton Road, Staines-upon-Thames
Overnight 21st/22nd June 2020 – entry via rear door to steal cigarettes and lighter.
Thames Side, Staines-upon-Thames
Overnight 21st/22nd June 2020 – entry via rear door to steal bank cards, keys and Jaguar vehicle.
With the warmer weather, please ensure downstairs doors and windows are secure overnight and don’t leave keys and wallets where they can be seen through windows.
If you have any information regarding this or any other crimes, please ring Surrey Police on the new 101 number or - if urgent 999. You can also ring the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
For further advice on crime reduction please contact the Designing Out Crime Officer.
Do you have family or friends in Surrey who would be interested in setting up a Neighbourhood Watch in their community? Please let them know about the benefits and encourage them to contact us so that we can get them involved.
Follow Surrey Police on facebook and twitter @spelthornebeat
Thank you
Vic Smith on Behalf of Spelthorne Neighbourhood Watch
PO Box 101
Surrey GU1 9PE
Did you know that Surrey Police is on Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels? Find out more:
Surrey Police - With You, Making Surrey Safer
This information is shared for the policing purposes of community safety and to prevent crime or disorder. There is a public interest - the prevention or detection of crime. It does not include information that would prejudice legal proceedings, or the current or future operations of the responsible authorities.

14 June 2020
Dear Residents,
Some of you may have noticed the 3 new 'Litter' Signs, recently installed on Silvery Sands. Hopefully, they will go some way in addressing our litter issue. The Environmental Agency and Council are currently in talks to address the situation permanently (fingers crossed).
Luckily the sign maker was happy to receive part payment in beer, thus saving precious SSRA funds, and our lovely sign installer, David Musters, who was happy to do such a great job without payment, will be rewarded the same way .
Kind regards,
Chairperson SSRA

5 June 2020
Extra police patrols at Thames Side - Just to let you know that our local police team will be making more regular patrols in our area of Thames Side, in particular Silvery Sands. I just wanted you to be aware, in case any resident seeing the police presence, may think they are attending an incident; it is just the Staines Police team stepping up patrols.
Group of 'Bad Boys' and evidence of wrong doing required - Also, on a separate subject, the police team are very anxious to get evidence (photos and/or CCTV) of the 'Bad Boys' carrying out their catapult excapades, hurting swans, breaking windows, aiming at people or generally trying to run people over with their electric scooters - any such examples of anti-social behaviour as evidence would be greatfully received by the police. The level of the 'Bad Boys' crime is escalating but to date, evidence is thin on the ground.
Anti Litter Signs for Silvery Sands - 3 Anti Litter signs have been ordered to be installed at areas of Silvery Sands, approved by Committee. David Musters has kindly offered to help install them.
Many thanks,
Chairperson SSRA

Spelthorne Borough Council held an Extraordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 21 May.
At the meeting, staff outlined the potential financial impact to the council and you can see a summary of this below.
The full report, which breaks down the different council services and their response to Covid19 to best support our community can be found and read here: https://democracy.spelthorne.gov.uk/documents/s27114/Report%20on%20emergency%20response%20to%20COVID-19.pdf

VE Day 75 Year Anniversary Celebrations
Some pictures taken by our Chairperson Michele Gibson from around the association.
Please see Michele's message HERE

Annual General Meeting
Date: Friday 6 March 2020
Start Time: 8pm
Venue: St. Peter’s Church, Small Hall
To read the minutes from the recent AGM and other information see here...

SSRA Christmas
Friday 20th December 7pm
The SSRA Christmas gathering will take place on Friday 20 December at the Wheatsheaf & Pigeon pub.
The cost per head is £12 and includes a stonking festive menu. For full details and how to pay please click HERE
Please contact Sallyann Ancora here if you have any questions
Any problems please ring Sallyann on 07961 047780

The sun really did turn out for this years party. Perfectly cooked fish and chips was served up complemented by music from a violinist and your local brewer on the decks.
Then up the tow path the vision that was an ice cream van arrived to provide the party with a cool down moment.
Fingers crossed for 2020 and a huge thanks to all the locals who arranged this years spectacle.